15. July 2005 Kjøp av brukt Toyota RAV4 EV i Norge sendt svarene han fikk til EVguide. Det er jo to sider i denne saken så ta gjerne en titt på http://www.dontcrush.com Se også "Bränsleförbrukning Toyota RAV4 El" her på EVguide > Hei Etter å ha lest om RAV4 EV kontaktet jeg Toyota i Norge og USA og her er svarene de ga. Synd det ikke er mulig å få tak i en RAV4 EV i Norge. Skulle gjerne hatt en elektrisk firehjulstrekker til norske vinterveier! Mvh Håvard Ellefsen From: Irv_Miller@Toyota.com Date: July 13, 2005 23:11:10 GMT+02:00 To: Håvard Ellefsen Subject: RAV 4 EV, Correcting the
Record Thank you
for your note. We appreciate and understand your position. We would
like to share with you our position and provide some facts relating to
our EV position. Apparently, the message out there is not accurate. Irv Miller Group Vice
President, Corporate Communications Toyota
Motor Sales, Inc 19001 S.
Western Ave. Torrance,
CA 90509
Toyota developed and built the RAV4-EV to meet the company’s
commitments under the 1996 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
State of California concerning production of zero emission
(ZEVs). FACT: In
1999 Toyota became the first company to meet its MOU commitments
of ZEVs, several years before it was required to do so. FACT:
Despite fulfilling its MOU commitments, Toyota continued to market
RAV4-EVs and during model years 2002 and 2003, offered the
RAV4-EV to
the general public for sale or lease (with an option to buy)
its retail network. Unfortunately, even with substantial
orders averaged just five to six a week and showed no growth over
time. Ultimately Toyota was forced to withdraw the vehicle
from the
market. FACT:
Toyota has made substantial efforts to keep the existing RAV4-EVs in
service for at least five years. When vehicles are returned from
lease they are evaluated and, if appropriate, refurbished and
returned to useful service. In some instances Toyota has
placed them
in public or community service, for example with state or
parks. Other vehicles are put into company service, where
they are
in constant use. As a result, the continuing air quality
benefits of
these vehicles have been preserved, in some cases, beyond a
period. FACT:
Currently, those with an expiring RAV4-EV lease (both fleet and
retail) are offered an opportunity to extend the lease on the
terms - essentially until the vehicle’s condition deteriorates to
point that it can not be serviced or supported. FACT:
This lease extension plan avoids transferring the considerable
economic risks and uncertainties of the vehicles to individual
consumers and insures that the vehicles will not cause environmental
damage or personal injury at the end of their useful life through
abandonment or moving into commerce without full appreciation of
unique requirements of the vehicles. FACT:
Retail lease customers have always had the option to buy their
vehicles at any time during the lease period or when it expires. FACT:
Toyota also is aware that some individuals used a fleet leased
vehicle as their personal vehicle and are passionate about their
desire to own their vehicle, despite the substantial economic
Accordingly, on a case-by-case, vehicle-by-vehicle basis, Toyota
now offer these individual users the opportunity to purchase a
RAV4-EVs previously returned to us and refurbished to acceptable
condition. The price will be commensurate with the price
set forth
in the retail lease option to purchase. FACT: In
those instances where fleet or retail lease customers choose to
return their vehicles, each will be carefully evaluated and those
with good potential for continued use will be reassigned to
service or for Toyota’s own internal fleet use (where they will
displace internal combustion vehicles). FACT:
Returned vehicles determined not to be serviceable or which cannot be
supported at reasonable cost (typically the first vehicles
under the MOU), are removed from service through a carefully
controlled process to assure they will present no future physical
environmental risk. FACT: The
goal is to keep as many vehicles as possible in service in
California and retain the air quality benefits of the vehicles.
forwarded message: From:
Toyota Kundesenter, Norge
Date: July
13, 2005 14:04:46 GMT+02:00 To:
Håvard Ellefsen
Subject: Kontaktskjema Prius - Toyota RAV4 EV Reply-To: kundesenter@toyota.no
finnes ikke for salg i Europa, kun noen testbiler ble
benyttet på den engelske øya Jersey.
Noen stater i USA har hatt modellen, men kun i begrenset antall og tilbudet har vært mer som en test for
Toyota. RAV4 EV er ikke lenger i produksjon fra fabrikken, det var slutt i
2003, (ref. til følgende nettside fra Toyota i USA; http://www.toyota.com/html/shop/vehicles/ravev/rav4ev_0_home/index.html). Som det fremgår av informasjonen vil vedlikeholdet på en
eldre RAV4 EV bli så dyrt at det f.eks. ikke lønner seg å skifte de spesielle
batteriene, det vil bli dyrere enn bilens verdi. Toyota satser heller på
biler med hybrid-drift og det er dette vi vil se i flere og flere
modeller nå fremover.
TOYOTA NORGE AS Kundesenteret |